
In Beth El, our men seek to develop bonds of brotherly connection spanning our spiritual and social lives. We pray together and we have Super-Bowl parties together. We study Scripture and we discuss Steven Spielberg’s latest movie. We attend Yankees games, and we attend to the feeding of the homeless in our neighborhood. We seek the kind of balance and brotherly bonds that allow people to see God as a tangible presence in our lives. (Psalm 133, John 13:35)

Messiah Yeshua modeled for us the creation in our lives of healthy ‘layered relationships.’ He had some 500 followers, 70 close disciples, 12 nearest associates, 3 dear friends and one best friend. All lives are unique: friendships and brotherhood spring from shared interests and experiences developed in the context of godly community. Beth El seeks to provide such context for the God-following man, and especially those of Jewish origin who are mandated by New Testament writ not to abandon their Jewish identity, Torah observance, and the customs of the Jewish people.

In our generation, as the modern Messianic Jewish awakening matures, we seek to affirm the unique worth of the individual man in the context of godly community. We do this by walking in a balance of vertical commitments (“love the Lord your God”) and horizontal commitments (“love your neighbor”).

We are devoted to…

  • fostering spiritual and social connection with one another

  • interacting with the New York Jewish community as men of faith serving the needs of Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel)

  • welcoming ‘men of calling’ (ger-eem) who are born outside the Jewish fold, but feel to varying degrees a linkage of their own destiny with the Jewish nation

Beth El’s Brotherhood seeks in all our activities to promote connection with our Creator, continuity with the heritage of Jewish Two-Testament faith, and deep fellowship with other men of faith.

Please do come and visit us! We look forward to seeing you in synagogue and at Mens’ Fellowship events.