Why Is The Media Auto-Favoring Palestinians?

Why The West Is So Quick To Call Israelis, “Nazis" and Palestinians "Victims"

If you view the this video, you will see I am not the only person to notice the Western-world’s trend to auto-support any Arabs attacking Israel, auto-condemn Israel, auto-label the Arabs “victims” of Israeli military might, auto-label the Israeli’s as aggressor-occupationists – even when a barrage of 3000+ rockets is fired from Gaza on Israeli civilians in blatant attempted mass-murder in which each missile fired is an individual count of a “crime against humanity” and a “war crime.”

Guilt is a hard burden to carry.

Europe has been trying to cast off that burden since 1945.

Europe and the Western World have been shouldering massive guilt for being the sources of The Holocaust, its enablers – and passive bystanders to the wholesale attempted extermination of The Jews from the entire planet.

Their chosen path of guilt-nullification is to prove Israel is as bad as The Nazis.

If Jews are that bad, maybe it isn’t such a tragedy they were mass-murdered.

It is deep in our human hard-wiring to objectify things we intend to kill: if you think of Bambi while you’re hunting, you are not going to kill any deer. Additionally, we tend to re-write history in a manner making us the victims of wrongdoing, so we are justified in wreaking revenge. The rapist on trial countersues his victim for scarring him for life by scratching his face (while she was being attacked), claiming she “assaulted him.”

This pattern extends beyond killing into thieving and harming.

We rendered our targets for rape, plunder, and harm-doing “objects” so as to lessen the toll on our sympathy-wiring, reserved for our pack, our tribe - “us.” The “Them-Us” economy in the human soul is contemplation not for the faint of heart.

Many cultures throughout the world have installed this wiring on a cultural level. The Lakota Early Americans referred to themselves as “human beings.” This word was not used to refer to white people, for whom the noun was “Wa-chée-chu.” China used to call itself, “The Middle Kingdom.” There was Heaven Above, the Underworld Below – and sandwiched between them was “The Middle Kingdom” – which was NOT humankind – it was only China. All others were part of the lower kingdom: they were not “human” to the earlier iterations of Chinese world-view. This view migrated into Japan in the form of the word, “Yabu-jin” (Barbarian), which was applied to all people not originating from “The Land Of The Gods” - Japan. And, in Europe and American, defining Black skinned people as non-human was the base-justification for slavery, which was in fact, systematized kidnapping: a Biblical “death-penalty offense.” (Exodus 21:16). Contrary to popular culture, the Bible does not “approve” slavery. In Scripture, slavery is of the kind modern prisons practice in the form of “chain gangs and assigned labor” during periods of imprisonment for convicted criminals is what the Bible “sanctions” – as well as personal choice to sell oneself into a limited period of servitude to pay off a debt, or as a punishment for failed aggressive warfare against the Jewish nation.

A low-cost way to ease one’s guilt is to prove the people you killed or want to kill are (a) more evil than you, (b) at least as evil as you, or (c) not human.

Arabist Linda Sarsour scolded the West for slipping into “humanizing the enemy (the Jews & Israel).” She warned, “we must not make the mistake of ‘humanizing’ the enemy.” You can only ‘humanize’ something that is not human. The idea itself speaks volumes. It was the Euro-American justification for kidnapping and enslaving coastal Africans, whom America’s Founders valued “three-fifths of a man.” We are hardwired for this. MRIs done of human males seeing females in various levels of undress in order to determine what is genuinely the trigger of sexual aggression, also found that when women are in certain levels of undress, the male mind stops “seeing” them as people, and lights up the “object” acquisition part of the brain: the part used on things to be hunted. The modern feminist precept of “objectification of women” embarks from this physiological truism.

In the modern world, convincing rational people that other humans are not human is not really feasible on a mass scale: so, Europe is left with the other alternatives to ease their Holocaust-guilt: convince themselves the Jews are “just as bad” as Nazis or South African Apartheidists ... or worse: and thus, the Jews kind of “deserved” what has happened to them –– and whatever the Ishmaelite contingent wants to do to them, which one of their Hadith writers expressed this way:

“Eventually, even nature itself will cooperate with Muslims to annihilate the Jews from the world. Even trees will cry out, ‘Oh, Servant Of Allah, there is a Jew hiding behind me! Come here and فَاقْتُلْهُ (fáhk-tor-bu) – kill him!” - Sahih al-Bukhari 2926 Book 56, Hadith 139 [https://sunnah.com/bukhari:2926]

As early as the 2nd century ce, post-Jewish Messianists (“Christians” in Greek) sought to sever all Jewish context from the life-history of Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth, and the faith in him, by labeling Jews en-mass as an evil presence in the world. 2nd Century Christian writer, John Chrysostom and others made this case so strongly, that over a millennium later, Martin Luther adopted it in his vitriolic rant that all evidence of Jewish existence must be erased from the face of the earth: an Lutheran ethic that massively Lutheran 20th-century German embraced and applied with chilling ferocity. At the Nuremberg Trials, Julius Streicher, chief editor of the Nazi newspaper, Der Stürmer, and one of Hitler’s closest confidants, stated, “If I am on trial here, then you must put Martin Luther on trial for what he wrote about the Jews!”

Even America is not exempt from these moral failures, with our wartime President Franklin Roosevelt having long known about the genocide in progress in Europe, but having the gall to turn away ships like The St. Louis in 1939, filled with fleeing Jewish refugees, back to Nazi Germany where they were disembarked and marched to mass-execution. 1933 Germany elected a leader, one of whose stated goals was to create a planet that was genuinely, “Jüdenrein” – “Jew-Free.” The elected him. They chose him. He acted to their thunderous applause, and with their national approval, and their tolerance, with only a few exceptions. France’s Vichy government became, and still is, a byword for cowardly accession to, and collaboration with the will of an evil tyranny. Poland’s long-overt antisemitism went exponential under the Nazi regime's affirmation of it.

So – there is the reason the West is so ready to auto-condemn Israel at every juncture.

1. Fatigue at carrying the guilt of the Holocaust.

2. Theological ideas in Islam that Jews (as children of Isaac) have been rejected by the God of Abraham, who has chosen to replace them with the children of Ishmael, and replace the Hebrew Scriptures with “at last, a Holy ‘Written’ (Qur’an) in the holy Arabic language!”

3. Theological ideas in Christianity that Jews have been rejected by the God of Abraham, who has chosen to replace them with “The Church” – and voices from Chrysostom to Luther to present-day Israel-Autocondemners – that the Jews are just “bad” – and The Jewish State is an evil bunch of white supremacists-colonialists stealing land from a ‘native’ people Of-Color who are technologically inferior – evoking sympathy by making the Israeli Jews the emotional equivalent of “bullies,” whom people with childhood reflexes auto-hate, just as the auto-sympathize for the victims of the bullies. This is also the source of the constant harping on “disproportionality” – more Arabs tend to die from Israeli defense-reactions then Jews dying from the initial Arab aggression – which basically means Jews are better at warfare than the people trying to kill them.

We have seen the emergence of the term, “Islamophobia.”

It is now consider an illness to have concerns about a religion with clearly stated goals of violence against dissent and world-conquest. Can you imagine, "Naziphobia" being condemned in Europe and the United Stated between 1933 and 1945? Somehow, a higher alert level in regard to Germans entering the USA is an expression of mentally-ill, unjustified fears? Please. Israel's former Mossad Chief, when interviewed about "The Shoe Bomber" attempt to blow up an American jetliner, told his interviewer, "The fact that man even got into the airport just proves America is acting stupidly. A lone Arab traveler with a one-way ticket and no luggage? The Mossad would have been at his door hours after he booked his ticket. This guy got onto the plane, and was trying to light the bomb fuse on his shoe when the passenger next to him stopped him! And this happened why? Because America is so afraid of being name-called as 'racist' that it will not face a simple fact: 90%+ of its enemies now are Arab males between the ages of 16 and 55. That is not 'racial profiling' – any more than calling incoming Germans into question in 1944 would have been – it is mere common sense. Until you have the nerve to take the appropriate actions, 'Shoe Bomber' kind of events will continue to happen." – And what happened not long afterwards? "Nine-Eleven" happened in 2001. This is all no game.

Fear of being labeled by "X-phobia" name-calling succeeds in preventing appropriate action?

Succeeds in delegitimizing any opposition to a groups' goals?

How much worse can it get?

The term “homophobia” was coined in the 1970s-1990s by the same-gender sex advocating community, to auto-delegitimize anyone having a moral objection to same-sex practice. A phobia is a mental illness: to have a disagreement with the moral legitimacy of same-gender sex was to be deemed literally mentally ill.

Now – regarding a religion like Islam, having at its heart the goal of hegemony – the rulership of the entire world by itself: the under-educated communities of color having adopted this barbaric, insane, violent, self-contradictory religion are equating defiance of Islamic goals ––– like conquest of every inch of Israel before it takes every inch of the entire Earth ––– now, it has been subsumed into “woke” theology: disagreement equals racial prejudice: it is white (Jews) oppressing black (Arabs). It is “apartheid” – a term referring to a small contingent of white Dutch invaders taking over the vast black nation of South Africa and separating Black Natives to a second-tier existence. Israel is alleged to be equal to South Africa. As simple as that.

Jews are not white invaders of Palestine taking land from of-color natives.

We are returners to our stolen homeland.

This is historically and scientifically justified beyond all refutation.

We are taking back what was stolen from us, just as the great works of art stolen by the Nazis are being returned to the families of their deceased rightful owners. Receiving stolen property, and holding it for a long time, do not legitimate the theft, nor de-legitimize the right of the rightful owner to reclaim it from those using it – or squatting upon it – no matter how long they have been doing so.

All the world agreed on 29 November 1947 that it is right and just we return to the land Rome stole from us in 70 ce.

We are genetically proven to be the same people who left.

Artifacts of our long existence in our land are constantly turning up in the archeological efforts throughout the land, not only by Jews, but scientific agencies from all over the world.

The “Palestinian” nation has never actually existed.

The term “Palestine” (derived from “Philistine”) was a word invented by Rome.

It was used by the Ottomans and British during their seasons in control of the land between Eastern Jordan’s border and the Mediterranean Sea.

The Arabs who now call themselves, “Palestinians” and call Israel, “Palestine” are, in fact, a conglomeration of tribal Arabs, some of whom lived British 'Palestine,' and many of whom come from other lands, just as the Philistines themselves came from the Aegean lands by ships to the western coast of what was then called, “Canaan” – and set up shop there by military conquest and colonization, in the region we now call “The Gaza Strip.”

It is not “Palestinian” land. It never has been.

It is land stolen from Israel.

The Islamists who claim to believe The Quran should read the command that they respect what was written by Moses and the former Prophets. Moses wrote that God directed Israel after leaving Egypt to come and take Canaan by force because the horrific barbarity and immorality of the peoples living in it had deprived them of the right to keep it in His eyes: peoples to whom The Creator had given long historic seasons of opportunities to cease their murderous and profane manners of life (see Genesis 15:16), such as burning their firstborn children as sacrifices to the fire-god, Molech: and more.

None of these facts have so far had any tangible effect on changing Europe’s determination to get the monkey of Holocaust-guilt/shame off their backs by somehow, some way, proving the Israelis are as bad as the Nazis who mass-murdered them.

3000 military grade missiles fired into Israeli civilian centers by Hamas – the elected government of the “Palestinians” ––– and the world’s reaction? To (a) call Israel for “restraint” in response, and (b) condemn their every action in their own defense as aggression and inhumane behavior inflicting “bloodshed in Gaza.”

Want to deep-dive to the root of all roots?

When Israel was in dispersion, the lands in which we were scattered hated us, and told us, “Go home, Jews!” When we at last were able to return to our Homeland, the world now tells us, “You don’t belong here! Leave!” So – we don’t belong in the scattered nations who always eventually marginalized, scapegoated, and maimed/raped/killed us ... and we don’t belong in our own Homeland, where we are mass-murdered by Johnny-Come-Latelys angered by our provable right to the Land and earlier possession of it.

So where do we belong? 
In the view of Christian Luthers, Islamic al-Bukharis, modern Sarsours – the scene from Steven Spielberg’s Schindler’s List comes to mind: a little Polish Catholic girl standing on the sidewalk of a city expelling its entire Jewish population, shouting, “Goodbye, Jews! No one wants you, Jews! There is no place on earth for you, Jews!”

The moment in the film Independence Day comes to mind. The US President asks an invading alien with whom he is trying to find some grounds for peaceful coexistence, and getting nothing by replies like, “Peace? No peace.” Then asks, “Tell us what do you want us to do?” The simple reply was, “Die.”

This is, in fact, what much of the world wants Jews to do.

This is why Linda Sarsour is warning the world, “We dare not make the mistake of ‘humanizing’ ‘The Enemy.’”

Jews are not human?

Great! Then, without guilt, we can kill them all, and solve all our problems.

Until Europe faces that this is the root of the Islamic agenda toward all Israel, and all Jews everywhere, just as it was Chrysostomic/Lutheran Christian Germany’s ideological goal ... nothing will change.

Europe will still be hungry on a visceral level to get Holocaust guilt off its back.

And committed Islamists will still want all Jews every where dead: and all non-Muslims eventually the same way, or subjugated to Islamic rule.

Israel’s approach to the present Gaza & Hamas dilemma is as simple as it is humane; it was stated on i24 News this morning by a high Israeli Army former commander during the “Protective Edge” Gaza crisis of seven years ago:

1. We will not “carpet bomb” Gaza as the Allies did to Germany and America did to Vietnam. While doing so would solve ALL Israel’s problems without endangering ANY Jewish lives ... mass murder of civilians is not something Israel is ethically willing to do.

2. We will not keep sending reprisal ground missions into Gaza, at great cost to Israeli soldiers lives, because this would break the heart of the Jewish nation.

3. We will not have the IDF re-take Gaza and truly demilitarize it: Israel does not want to try to rule a Gaza with 2 million Arabs in it.

4. We WILL conduct a long-term war of attrition, in which the IDF will get better and better at protecting Israel from attack, and more and more efficiently taken out the aggressors who commit attacks against Israel (doing so with minimal danger to IDF lives); and eventually, Hamas will become fatigued, and its people intolerant of more and more this pain and suffering getting less and less return for them.

Imagine. Israel knows she could end her own sufferings in one day, with a carpet bombing operation from one end of Gaza to the other. She does not do it, for moral reasons.

Imagine. Israel does not send the IDF into Gaza to re-take it, since Gaza’s population has totally violated the terms under which it was handed over to them: total demilitarization, and no military grade weaponry of any kind within its borders.

Imagine: deciding to tolerate periodic outbursts of mass-murder on your own civilians, because it is the only “humane” approach to warfare with which the Israeli nation can live ... with its own national conscience intact.

For this level of morality and restraint – Europeans equate Israelis with Nazis, and instantly label and defensive action by Israel against Gaza, “bloodshed in Gaza” from Israel military action.

What a world.

Needs a Savior.

By the way – I happen to know One. (Isaiah 53 / John 1:29)

Rabbi Bruce Louis Cohen

19 May 2021


The Passed-Over Messiah


Be Sure To Revisit Our Rabbi’s Blog on Shavuot’s Actual Biblical Meaning!